Stay up to date with what’s happening in NextGen here at Journey Church! Links to events with registrations will be listed below!

October 26th | 6:30pm

Every family has a rhythm. For some families, morning is crazy. Dinner may happen all together, or you may have one parent who works at night. Or sports or other activities may have you running in different directions. Bedtime for some families is, well, crazy. Whether it’s mealtimes, car rides, or during bath time routines, you can leverage that time to have a meaningful connection with your kids. 

This Parent Connect Night were talking about creating a rhythm in your home to make the most of every moment. You're not going to want to miss it! Kids & youth services will be happening so check in your infant - 5th grader into JRNYKIDS, or drop your teen off at JRNYTH and come join us! 

(P.S. We heard there are going to be some really yummy snacks!)